Somalia clinches coveted UN Security Council seat for 2025

Mogadishu, Somalia – In a historic diplomatic victory, Somalia has secured a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Thursday, representing the African continent.

The achievement, which came through an unopposed bid, underscores Somalia’s growing influence in international affairs.

The country will hold the seat for a one-year term starting in 2025. This milestone results from years of strategic diplomatic efforts involving both President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s current administration and President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo’s previous administration.

Behind the diplomatic win

The success has ignited a debate between supporters of President Mohamud and former President Farmaajo, each claiming credit for the achievement.

Central to this accomplishment is Ambassador Abukar Dahir Osman, known as Abukar Baale, Somalia’s representative at the United Nations. His tireless efforts and strategic diplomacy were crucial in securing support for Somalia’s bid.

Somalia’s journey to the UNSC began in October 2018, under President Farmaajo’s administration, which formally submitted the application. This move was part of a broader strategy to rebuild Somalia’s international presence and influence after years of internal conflict.

When President Mohamud took office, he continued to push the UNSC bid, inheriting the application process from Farmaajo. During the transition of power, Farmaajo handed over the UNSC bid file, emphasizing its importance for Somalia’s future.

“Today, I am handing you the application we submitted to the United Nations to participate in the Security Council,” Farmaajo said during the 2022 handover. “This is a legacy we leave for the Somali people, a testament to our dedication to international diplomacy.”

Implications for Somalia and Africa

Securing this seat is a significant achievement for Somalia, reflecting its progress in stabilizing and reasserting itself globally. It provides Somalia with a platform to influence crucial decisions on peace and security, particularly in Africa.

This role comes with significant responsibilities, including contributing to discussions on conflicts, sanctions, and peacekeeping missions worldwide.

While supporters of both presidents vie for credit, this victory is clearly the result of a collective national effort.

The foundation laid by Farmaajo’s administration and the ongoing push by Mohamud’s government demonstrate a united front in enhancing Somalia’s international standing.

As Somalia prepares to take its seat in 2025, it will focus on leveraging this position to further national and continental interests. The Somali government is expected to prioritize regional stability, counter-terrorism, and economic development.

This achievement marks a new chapter in Somalia’s history, offering a beacon of hope and a symbol of its resilience and ambition on the world stage. The year-long term will be crucial for Somalia to showcase its capabilities and commitment to global peace and security.