Sawirro naxdin leh: Weerarkii lagu qaaday Saxafi

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Sawiro laga soo qaaday dhismaha hotel Saxafi ayaa muujinaya burbur xoogan oo soo gaaray dhismaha hotelka iyo dad dhaawacyo qaba oo laga daabulayo dhismaha.

Hoos ka daawo sawirada.

sax6 Saxafi

A Somali policeman runs through the wreckage outside the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015. A Somali police officer says an explosion followed by heavy gunfire has been heard, thought to have been caused by a suicide car bomb, at the hotel often frequented by Somali government officials and business executives. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
Somali policemen carry a wounded person to an ambulance outside the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015. A Somali police officer says an explosion followed by heavy gunfire has been heard at a hotel in the Somali capital. The hotel is often frequented by Somali government officials and business executives. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
