Somali security forces and paramedics arrive at the street near the scene of a militant attack at a building in Abdias district of Mogadishu

Somali security forces secure the scene of a militant attack at a building in Abdias district of Mogadishu
Somali security forces secure the street near the scene of a militant attack at a building in Abdias district of Mogadishu

Sacuudi Carabiya oo digniin culus kasoo saartay arrimaha Xajka kadib arrin soo korortay

Maka (Caasimada Online) – War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha Xajka iyo Cumrada Boqortooyada Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa loogu digay shirkadaha ku shaqeysta hanaanka been abuurka...